Build your Wild Self - create a self portrait and learn about the animal parts incorporated into your avatar.
Custom Sign Generator is an image creator that allows you to create free avatars.
Doppelme - free dynamic avatar
Favicon - icon generator
Face Your Manga  - make your own online avatar
Frenzoo - create 3D characters
Meez - create 3D avatars
Mikons - where people communicate through visual symbols, logos, icons, or avatars to tell a story
Voki.com is a web application that produces animated characters to which you can add your voice (or anybody else’s).

Blogging / Bookmarking Tools:
43Things - share your list of 43 life goals/priorities
Classblogmeister - blog designed specific for classroom use
Blogger is a free blogging platform by  Google.
Blog Booker - turn your blog pages into a real book
Corkboard - create an online corkboard to collect images, text, video or even music
Delicious is a social book-marking site which allows you to access your book-marks from any computer. 
Diigo allows you to access and share your bookmarks from anywhere. 
Diigo Education - annotate web sites then send to students or colleagues
Digg - social bookmarking
Ecto - blog management tool which allows for features driven offline blog prep
Edmodo is a micro-blogging service (like Twitter) for teachers and students. Use it with your students to share information, set and collect assignments and much more.
Edublogs.org based on WordPress.com, Edublogs is a hosted blogging platform designed for education.
Edutagger - K-12 social bookmarking site
Edutopia - Empowering and connecting teachers, administrators, and parents with innovative solutions and resources to better education.
Edweb - teacher based blog platform for professional networking
ePals - create cultural classroom exchanges with ePals email and blogs
eThink.org.uk an online community supporting education by supplying free blog space.
Embedit.in is a service that allows you to upload and embed documents into blogs or other websites quickly and easily. 
Facebook can be used to set up groups and provide your students with updates about your subject or department. 
Filezilla is a very useful desktop application that allows you upload content to your web pages or blogs using FTP (File Transfer protocol).
AuthorSTREAM allows you to publish and share your PowerPoint presentations. It also allows you to download published presentations as videos.
Instacomment - comments box for your posts, wiki, webpage or blog
Magtoo - magnify your photos on your blog or website - magtoo your world
MediaWiki - install and maintain an infinite number of wikis. Because it requires server-side installation, you may find it less complicated to get your school to install it for you.
Ning allows you to create private social networks. Use it to communicate and share resources with your colleagues and students. 
PBWorks (previously known as PBWiki) allows you to create wikis for your classes. Its education edition focuses on safety and collaboration.
Penzu - online journal site use for both teachers and students
Posterous is perhaps the easiest and most intuitive of all blogging platforms. Simply email updates and Posterous does all the rest!
Read It Later - App to download - Save your information for reading later - integrated into many popular applications and platforms you may already use.
ShareTabs is a simple and efficient way to share links with pupils/students or colleagues. Send one single personalised url containing all your links conveniently displayed in tabs.
Slideshare allows you to upload and share your PowerPoint presentations. Presentations can then be embedded into blogs or wikis.
Speedymarks - visual bookmarks
Speedtile - save and organise bookmarks is a visual way.
Spurl - online social bookmarking service & search engine
Storybird helps you or your pupils to create short, visual, digital stories which can then be shared and embedded into blogs and wikis.
Talkr - online tool reads blogs aloud, converting them to podcasts.
Technorati - search the blogosphere
Tumblr is a blogging platform that allows you to post text, photos, links, music, and videos, from your browser, phone, desktop or email.
Tricki - maths blog
Twiducate is a Twitter-like (see below) micro-blogging service for schools.
Twitter is a micro-blogging service. Join the ever growing network of teachers and educators sharing their experiences and practice
Twitxr - share photos to multiple social networking sites
Wikispaces provide wikis free of charge to educators. Its simplicity and the ability to easily set up multiple accounts are its greatest strengths.
Comic and Animation:
Aniboom - online animation competitions for paid commissions
Animasher  - create your animation
Bitstrips - comic creator
Blabberize.com allows you to animate pictures to make the people, animals or objects in them appear as if they are talking. It only takes three simple steps.
Canvastic - create simple animations on this free canvas
Cartoonster is a website aimed at children with tutorials on how to create animations. Perfect to introduce the concept and possibilities of animation to youngsters.
Clayanimator - the art/science of creating, editing claymotion animation projects.
Comicbrush allows you to create and share a comic using any combination of your own drawings, photos and ready-to-use artwork.
Comic Creator - Interactive Comic Strip Creator – ReadWriteThink
Comic Sketch - online comic maker
Custom Sign Generator an image creator that allows you to create free avatars, comics.
Doink.com is a website that allows you to create and share animations.
Domo a school friendly Go!Animate in which all inappropriate content is filtered out. Domo allows you to create animations that can be embedded onto blogs, wikis, etc.
Doodlewall- online or private doodlewall
Fluxtime more animation fun.
Go!Animate is a web application with which you can create animated cartoons.
Kerpoof allows children to draw, tell stories and create cartoons and animations. Very popular now part of the Disney family of companies.
Make Beliefs Comix allows you to create comic strips online.
Myebook - get your graphic comic, novelette or magazine published online for free.
Pikikids - comic creator
Pikistrips - Turn your photos into a comic strip online and free, and lots of fun.
PicTaps - draw a cartoon character and animate them instantly
Pixton is an online comic creator with an education section, allowing the creation of safe sharing environments.
Professor Garfield - Comics_lab - write assemble and print your own comics.
SmashMash.tv  animate pictures and photographs, like Blabberize
Stripgenerator is a simple, yet effective and intuitive cartoon strip generator.
Toondoo is a web application that allows you to create your own comic characters and comic strips.
E-Books and Online books:
22Books - Create book lists and share
Amigo Reader - a reader for ebooks - read and learn with others
Audioboo is an audio-blogging site, you can send in updates through the web, phone or its own iPhone app. Perfect for blogging on the move, like on a school-trip, or sharing your class’s opinion about a topic.
Audiobooks - free audio books for kids
AudioBooksForFree - free audio files for books
Big Universe - build online children stories
Blog Booker - turn your blog pages into a real book
Blurb - create/publish your own book
Bookboon - free books textbooks and business
Booklamp - match the reader level with writing sample collection
Book Glutton - Read online books with others, chat and annotate together.
BookGoldMine - more books here
Bookr - create your own fun books using this tool and then they publish it online for you
Bookrix - download free ebooks, enter free writing contests and much more..
Booktagger - Create book lists and share
Bookyards tons of books can be found here
Book Seer - Find out what to read next
Calibre - e-book management tool that converts multiple file types ie. PDF for iPad
CK-12 Books - a great collection of K-12 books
Donorschoose - get the books for your classrooms
Ebooks - ebooks for free and for fee open and read with Amigo Reader
Epub Books - free epub files to use with epub readers
FeedBooks - thousands of public domain books for free!
Findingdulcinea - online references, internet librarian
Flipbook create fun flipbooks with this tools
Freebookspot - tons of free books
Free Reading - free open source reading resources, lessons/activities K-3.
Getfreebooks - free books - kobo - read on an ipad or itouch 
Globusz - free e-books tons for download (other languages too!!)
Google Books - great previews and full books to read and embed.
Glypho Collab Book Writing - read/write novels collaboratively
Infomotions - collections of online book resources
Livebook - create a community written online book.
Lulu - be your own publish – publish a book, CD, or DVD in minutes
Manybooks - a huge range of books can be found here
Meegenius - a great resource for classic books for young readers.
Mixbook -create a free ebooks.
Online Free Ebooks - some different reading materials
Project Gutenberg - Books to read and share online.
Read Print - online books for the reading
Scholastic - Read a Book and share a book review of it online
Shelfari - Create book lists and share
Storyjumper - create and publish your own children’s books
Story Online - Listen to actors read your favorite books
The Free Library - over 4 million free periodicals and books
Tikatok- create a free ebooks
WikiBooks - free, open-content textbooks that you can edit
Webooks - create and publish free online books
ZooBurst is a digital storytelling tool that is designed to let anyone easily create their own customized 3D pop-up books.
Games or Games Creation:
Adventure Maker - download and install Adventure Maker to make an interactive 3D virtual environment
Atmosphir - construct and publish online educational games
ContentGenerator.net provides free flash game makers. Premium content also available.
Destination Modern Art - Interactive art activities for kids
Ecokids - interactive fun for learning ecology
Fitbrains  - brain training 
Foldit - Solve genetic puzzles and help Science research.
Footprint Friends - Environmental activities, games and more
Freerice - learn and provide rice for the hungry
Gamegarage - adventure and skill games
Geocaching - high tech treasure hunt in countries around the world
Gogofrog - 3D website creation for interactive learning experiences
Gwap - games with a purpose.
Haringkids - web based art tools to create haring style artworks and graphics
I Know That - learning activities and games for primary
Interactive Simulations - primary grade games or simulations.
isketch - multiplayer online games like pictionary
iSpott - a mobile scavenger hunt game played with mobile cameras
JClic is a desktop application that creates interactive exercises and multimedia educational activities (using Java) fro your website or VLE.
Math Playground  fun games for all
Math Tool Chest - fun math interactives for any kid
MathTV - Interactive math games and simulations for problem solving
Primary Music - fun interactive games
Raptr - gaming portal
Save Skelly a game generator - create interactive assessments which can be uploaded to a website or stored in your computer as a .swf file. 
Scratch is a programming language that makes it easy to create your own interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art — and share your creations on the web.
Sharendipity - create and share social games online
Shidonni - a virtual world for young children to play games and interact online
Terraclues - interactive scavenger hunts with google maps
Tutpup has lots of fun games to reinforce numeracy and literacy
Yoyogames - make your own games with the game maker
Zimmer Twins is a fun website that allows children to create animated cartoons. The resulting movie can be saved on the site, although, sadly, it cannot be embedded elsewhere.

Altapedia - online color physical maps, political maps as well as key facts and statistics on countries of the world
Everytrail - create and embed a map.
Fmatlas - create and then embed a map in minutes.
Geocommons - explore, create and share intelligent maps and geodata
Gmaps Pedometer - measure walking distance on the map
Google Earth - maps - free download - 3D planet interface
Map Builder - tag locations and create your own custom map
Mapme - create collaborative maps of any location and share it in Google Maps.
Maps of War - get real information and locations about any War
Pedometer - measure distances
Planimeter - measure areas on a map
Scribble Maps - create overlays on Google Maps - annotate and more
UUorld - explain the world in maps
Yourgmap  - Publish your map here or embed it into your website.
Mindmaps, Charts and Maps:
Bubbl.us is a web application for creating mind-maps either on your own or collaborating with others.
Cacoo - Click on play for instructions, then create a mind map.
Amap - argument map - like a mind map
ChartGizmo - an incredible chart builder for any type of data that can be typed or uploaded to this tool.
Chartle - Create, embed and share your charts, plots, diagrams and maps online.
Chart Tool - create great looking charts and graphs with this free tool
Class Set-up Tool (Scholastic) - design your class seating chart - interactive
Cmap - collaborative concept mapping
Create a Graph - all kinds of graphs can be created – save, share, print 
Dropmind - mindmapping Tool, solution for brainstorming, visual and creative thinking.
Exploratree - mindmaps and thinking scaffolds for all sorts of activities
Flowchart - collaborative flowchart online
Freemind is a desktop application for creating mind-maps. Available for Linux, OSX and Windows
Gliffy is an online application with which you can easily create professional-looking flowcharts, diagrams, floor plans and technical drawings.
Graphic Organizer Maker - create customized graphic organizer worksheets
Graphsy - easy to draw graphs
Greenfoot allows you to make graphical representation of objects and simulations.
Mind42 - interesting toolsets related to other web 2.0 resources; collaborative mapping tool, add images, notes, 'todo' list
Mindomo is a web application for creating and sharing mind-maps.
Mindmeister is another web application that allows you to create collaborative mind-maps.
Tersus - visual programming app via flow diagrams
Webspiration - online mindmapping tool that allows allows you to convert mindmap to essay outline
Wisdomap - attach notes, videos, pictures, links and files to your mindmaps
Wisemapping  - online mind mapping tool
280 Slides allows you to create PowerPoint-style presentations online no downloads
Ahead  - similar to Prezi in that it is a zooming presentation tool
Bubbleshare - your photos, your voice, your story - narrated slide show online
Capzles is a free web application that allows you to combine your photos, videos, blog posts and mp3s into rich multimedia storylines.
Eduslide - create and deliver your own e-learning
Glogster - create online posters, media rich online posters that can be shared online or embeded onto wikis.
Myplick is a free service that lets you share and embed presentations online.  Formats supported are powerpoint, pdf,  and openoffice odp. 
OneTrueMedia.com produces slide shows from templates with your own photos and music which you can then post online.
Prezentit - free online resource for creating and sharing presentations
Prezi is a web application that allows you to create stunning visual presentations. Think PowerPoint meets mind map.
Showbeyond - presentation editor
Slideshare allows you to upload and share your PowerPoint presentations. Presentations can then be embedded into blogs or wikis.
Sliderocket - create stunning looking powerpoint style presentations, viewed or shared online
Slideroll - create presentations from stills
Soapbx - create free public presentations online
Thumbstacks - Put your presentations on line to view with any web browser.
Vuvox enables you to create personal, collaborative slideshows or presentations using your own digital media – including video, photos, music and text
Photos and Graphics:
Arkive - an amazing site for photos of world species
Aviary is a suite of web applications which allow you to create, edit and manipulate images. They have also recently launched an audio editing tool called Myna.
BeFunky is a website that allows you to apply a variety of fun effects to your own photos or from photo sharing sites.
Betty Spaghetti - create a cool girl and fashion design
Big Huge Labs  - create puzzles, movie posters, magazine covers, mosaics, calendars, badges, billboards and more.
Block Posters is a web application that allows you to make full size posters from pictures in your computer. Perfect for classroom displays.
Buildy - create building floor plans with photo enhancements.
Cellsea is ideal to quickly add effects to your pictures.
Circos - great tool for creating infographics - present data within a circle
Custom Sign Generator is an image creator that allows you to create logos and comics.
Empressr - Add photos, music, video, and audio, and share it publicly or privately in an instant.
Flickr is a web service for storing and sharing your digital photographs. It also contains a massive collection of  Creative Commons 
Fotobabble enables you to create talking photos in a few clicks by adding a voice to customisable slide-shows.
Gimp is an  Open Source image manipulation program. A bit like Photoshop, only free! It tackles tasks such as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring.
GlassGiant is a website that allows you to make fun, custom pictures.
Google Sketchup - create 3D buildings and drawings
Glogster - create online posters, media rich online posters that can be shared online or embeded onto wikis.
Iconspedia - free icons
Laphotocabine - photobooth old style photos
Magmypic - make mag covers with your own pictures - very cool results
Magtoo - magnify your photos on your blog or website - magtoo your world
Mosaickr - create mosaics from Flickr images
Mutapic - picture/logo generator
Obamiconme - upload a photo or image and turn it into a Shepherd Fairley poster
Paint.NET - image and photo editing desktop application for Windows. An intuitive and innovative user interface with support for layers, undo, special effects, and a wide variety of useful and powerful tools.
Phixr is an online photo editor.
Photoxpress - free stock photos for web design, brochures/illustrations
Photojojo - subscribe to photo newsletter for great tips
PhotoPeach is a slide show maker simple enough for young children to use independently. It easily allows you to add text to slides for added impact.
Photoshop Tutorials - great tutorials
Photobucket - image and video hosting
Photopeach - create themed stories using photos and text, leave comments for other users
PhotoRem - Image hosting site;unlimited storage and uploads
Photoshow.com - upload some pics, add some music, create a quick & easy photovideo online.
Photo Story 3 makes film clips of your photo slide shows to which you can add commentary, soundtrack and transition effects.
PhotoSynth allows you to take photos of the same scene and automatically stitch them together into one big interactive 3D viewing experience.
Photovisi is a web application that turns your pictures into a collage which you can then download free  Great to illustrate story telling or just for decoration!
Phreetings - create and then send postcard and greetings
Picaboo - create online picture albums
Picartia - create an online mosaic
Pictaculous - create a colour palette from your picture
Picturing America - a comprehensive collection of art throughout the decades of America. Interactive.
Picture Trail - spinning cube photo display
Picnik.com is a powerful and easy to use photo editing web application. Think Photoshop on-line and without the hefty price tag.
PicSlice - Pictures tools : creates slices of picture, it can also crop it, you can resize picture too
Picture2Life is a web service that allows you to edit, collage and animate pictures online.
Pixer is another online photo editor.
Pixlr - edit pictures easily
Pixorial allows you to upload, edit and organise video files.
Shape Collage - a photo collage maker. Automatically create picture collages in a variety of shapes with just a few mouse clicks
Smilebox is a website where you can create e-cards, scrapbooks, slideshows and photo albums from digital photographs.
Snapfish - photosharing
Splashup create pictures and edit photos online, just like Adobe Photoshop.
Vunky Search - photoshop tutorial
Surveys, Quizzes and Polls:
Advanced Survey - create customised subject survey pages, post to blog or have logo on each page
Articulate - e-learning software tools that creates presentations, quizzes, and survey
Catpin - a sophisticated bubble test generator
Classmarker - online testing and quiz app with free features as well as professional options
Frevvo - rich, dynamic forms without writing a single line of code
Hot Potatoes - create interactive quizzes, multiple choice questions and crosswords, which can be added to websites. Free for schools.
Mightyquiz - online quiz for testing language skills and definitions
Polldaddy is a web service that enables you to create online surveys and polls.
Polleverywhere - create and collate polls and voting via mobile devices
Puzzle-maker - create puzzles for any subject
Questionform - a web application for creating, publishing and analysing online surveys and forms that can also be embedded
QuickTV - interactive video
Quizlet allows you to create and share flaschcards. Great to help your students revise material or for you to create resources for the Interactive Whiteboard.
Quia - Create and then share interactive lessons, puzzles, games or books as well as Maths resources.
QuizStar - online quiz generator.
Response-O-Matic - Need to create a form or survey? Create your forms in standard html. Then have your form call Response-O-Matic.
Sendsteps - SMS vote during powerpoint presentations
Survey Builder - build online interactive surveys, timelines, polls, etc.
Survey Monkey is a web service that enables you to create online surveys and polls.
Toluna - create polls and vote for free
Website Polls - create a embed a poll
Yacapaca allows you to create quizzes, test, surveys and e-portfolios. It’s an online Virtual learning Environment.
Word Processing Tools Online:
Ajax-Write - web-based word processor requires Mozilla Firefox browser
Buzzword is an online word processor for writing reports, proposals, and anything else you need to access online or work on with others. 
gOFFICE - Word & limited desktop publishing online
Google Docs & Spreadsheets - create/collaborate/share - free online word processing/spreadsheet creation tools from Google.
Jacuba - free online spellchecker
NumSum - online spreadsheet
Open Office is an office suite complete with draw, database, spreadsheet, presentation and word-precessing tools. 
Printing Press - create brochures, newspaper, booklet, flyer with this easy template from ReadWriteThink
Scribd is a document sharing service that allows you to store and share almost any document format for easy viewing online. 
Scribus desktop publishing application that allows you to create professional documents and page lay-outs and then exports them into PDF format. 
Think Free Office Suite Online - create MS Office compatible docs, spreadsheets presentations free online – 1 GB file storage
Writely - web word processor 
Zoho is a comprehensive suite of web based applications that allow you to create, share and store your files online. It has a word processor, a spreadsheet maker, a presentation tool, a wiki editor, an e-mail client and much more…
Zoho notebook - Keep track of changes not only at the book or page level but also at the object level
ZohoWriter - create, edit & share online documents from anywhere
Video and Youtube Tools:
12 Seconds - post video updates on the internet. Like Twitter  or Facebook  but with video. Use it to communicate with your pupils – give them hints and help online, or provide parents with video updates while on a school trip.
5min Life Videopedia is a place to find short video solutions for every practical questions.
Academic Earth - video lectures from the world’s top scholars
Animoto is a web tool that produces quality videos from your pictures and music.
Artbabble - a new kind of video site dedicated to art and artists. It offers high definition video that features wide ranging content.
AuthorSTREAM allows you to publish and share your PowerPoint presentations. It also allows you to download published presentations as videos.
Bubblecomment - upload a video to your website without coding
Bubbleply - put a bubble on any video to post anywhere
Capzles is a free web application that allows you to combine your photos, videos, blog posts and mp3s into rich multimedia storylines.
Cassiopeia Project - a great collection of Science videos
Chizmax - lyrics and video search engine
Community Clips - create videos of your computer desktop
Dfilm easily create fun films
Digital Directors Guild - K-16 exploring digital movie making
DivShare is a service that allows you to upload, store, manage and then embed any file -including video files- into websites. 
DragONtape - cut and paste multiple youtube videos into one clip
Dvolver - direct, shoot and share your own movie
DotSUb is a website that allows you to upload videos and put subtitles on them. Perfect to share foreign language resources or to set translation projects to your students.
Eslvideo - add quzzes to online videos
Eyespot - mix & share video content – organize random clips – host & share out
Empressr - Add photos, music, video, and audio, and share it in an instant.
Google Video - search, upload, and share videos online free
Highlightcam - make videos shorter automatically
Instructables - instructional photos, step by step or video
Jaycut is like having Movie Maker or iMovie in your browser. No software to install, all movie editing is done online. 
KickYoutube is a web application that converts YouTube videos to any format. Simply type in the word kick after the www. in the YouTube url.
Masher is an online video editor that allows user to create videos using their own uploaded material or its own library of resources.
Muveemix - create movies with audio
RealPlayer 11 is a desktop media player that also allows you to download  .flv video content. In practical terms this means that you can download video from YouTube, TeacherTube or any other such video sharing site at the click of a button for later viewing off-line. 
Seesmic is a video blogging service which allows its users to post and share video updates. Similar to 12 Seconds (above).
Springdoo - video email online made easy – no attachments
SplashCast is a web based service that allows you to create and edit video channels.
The Futures Channel - real world videos for learning various concepts
Tubechop allows you to cut and edit YouTube videos so that you can concentrate on the interesting bits or remove offending scenes.
Videoegg - share videos on the web.
Viddler - Want to promote your brand. It's simple. You can add your logo to the player, change the colors to fit your own color scheme
Vidipedia - video encyclopedia anyone can edit.
Vimeo - a simple and elegant video sharing service.
Vorby - online movie quotes
YouTube EDU is a huge collection of educational videos supplied by college and universities.


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